Dalam Debu dan Abu

Dalam Debu and Abu (Within the Dust and Ashes). 2023

This series of works revolves around Biochar as the primary subject matter. from a computer vision installation, Microbial Fuel Cells Sonification, Sculpture, and Silkscreens.

The big picture of this project is the life cycle when everything came from the earth and will return to it. But through the Anthropocene, some lives already served their purpose, but their life cycle did not come in a full circle. In this project, I used old woods from house renovation or forced eviction that were for sale in some kind of scavenger shop in my hometown as the subject matter.

I intend to do a movement track of the bacteria in the computer vision installation. If a movement occurs, it will trigger a water droplet that will fall into the soil.

This work reenacts how biochar affects life from another artificial system. Hopefully, something will be sprouted as time goes by and the life cycle goes on.

With the mixture of charged biochar and soil, I made the Terra Preta for this sonification work. With this Terra Preta, I attach electrodes to it to make a microbial fuel cell. I wired a humidity and voltage sensor to capture the bio-data within and sonified it into two oscillating pitches.